

If you’re looking for a consultant to tell you the time on your watch - Mike's not the man.

Mike combines experience, rigour and process with flair and weird sixth sense which means he has the ability to get under the skin of a business and really get to the nub of an issue.  He will very often spot something that I haven’t seen, or find an opportunity I hadn’t thought of - and that's the real magic of his approach.

Mike has been in instrumental in helping my board to unify around a vision for the future, aligned objectives, a plan and most importantly an operating model that has kept us focussed.

I thoroughly recommend him.

Richard Rawlins, FinnComms


Mike has a tried and tested strategic framework that enables businesses to first define their strategy and then write a challenging yet achievable plan (often full of his great ideas!) that enables them to realise their full potential. 

Mike has guided us for x years now and he keeps us on track by helping us pull together annual objectives and quarterly “sprints”. 

Mike also encourages very active discussions and helps board members challenge each other constructively. Something we didn’t really do before we met Mike. 

I always look forward to sessions with Mike - we always get so much out of them and even though they’re serious and important, they’re still fun! 

Greg Felgate, FinnComms


Sales Training

Mike ran a series of Sales Training workshops for the whole Agency, born out of training needs identified from appraisals.

Commercially, the results speak for themselves, delivering the best quarter results ever, in the given period. Mike’s inspirational delivery, engages people at every level and from the outset. Energy was high throughout the sessions and without exception, each team member across functions, including Account Handling, Creative, Strategy and  Social Media, all said they gained ideas and techniques that they could easily put into practice straight away.  In a word the sessions were a unanimous ‘Brilliant’. Thanks Mike.

Board & Planning 

Mike has worked consistently over a number of years with the Ponderosa Group Board to develop the vision and strategy for the business through quarterly planning sessions and monthly board meetings. For just over a year, I have attended these sessions.

Visions and strategies can look perfect on paper, but can also fall short on delivery. Mike’s facilitative style, enables and ensures delivery of the group plan. He leads without taking the reins, encouraging openness, honesty and seeing through situations quickly and clearly so discussions are focused on solutions, not issues. Each meeting creates measurable actions, where everyone is accountable for delivering results. The sessions are inspiring as much as they are practical and Mike’s involvement and input is invaluable to their success.

 Jane Allott. Head of People. Ponderosa Group.